Effective 12JUL2018
Filed 12JUL2018
Filing Codes IC

Control No. 10-09836
Any Shipper may transmit his requests, questions or
complaints as hereinafter defined to the Carrier (or any
Carrier Agent).  Additionally inquiries may be addressed to
the Carrier orally or in writing at the address shown
   Smartlink (U.S.A), Inc. 
     145-119 Guy R Brewer Boulevard, 2nd Floor
     Jamaica, New York  11434
     Telephone: (718) 481-6200
     Facsimile: (718) 481-8080
As used in this Rule, the terms "Request" or "Complaint"
means any communication to the Carrier requesting a change
in Tariff rates, rules or charges; objections to rate
increases or other Tariff changes; protests against alleged
erroneous billings due to an incorrect commodity
description classification or incorrect weight or
measurement of cargo; or other problems from the
implementation of the Tariff.  Routine requests for rate
quotes, sailing schedules, space availability and the like
or not included in the foregoing definition of "requests"
or "complaints."
Requests for reduced rates should give details of
commodity, value, packing, weight/measurement ratio,
prospective volume, proposed rate requested and all other
relevant details.

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