Effective 14JAN2011
Filed 14JAN2011
Filing Codes I

Except as otherwise provided in individual TLIs (Rate
Items), Shipper MUST furnish, or arrange for the
preparation of, all documentation and information required
to export cargo from country of origin, to import cargo
into country of destination, and to transport cargo through
other countries between origin and destination.  In
addition to all documentation, Shipper MUST describe cargo
in sufficient detail to permit Carrier to rate cargo, and
MUST at a minimum comply with the following:
a. EXPORT FROM THE UNITED STATES:  Description of commodities
   shall be uniform on all copies of the B/L and MUST be in
   conformity with a validated U.S. Export Declaration, EEI
   (Electronic Export Information) filings to the U.S. Customs
   Automated Export Systems (AES), and/or Consular Documents
   covering the shipment.  The Carrier may verify the B/L
   description with any of the above shipping documents or
   information to insure accuracy.  Amendments or corrections in
   the commodity description will be accepted ONLY if validated
   by U.S.Customs and in conformity will all other shipping
   documents.  If shipments are NOT covered by a Shipper's Export
   Declaration, as permitted by Export Control Regulations,
   Shippers MUST insert the applicable commodity Schedule B
   number in the Line Copy of the B/L.
b. IMPORT INTO THE UNITED STATES:  Description of commodities
   shall be uniform on all copies of the B/L and MUST be in
   conformity with Customs Declaration, AMS (Automated Manifest
   System) filing (see Rule 2.8A), Customs Entry and Consular
   Documents.  The Carrier may verify the B/L description with
   other shipping documents or information to insure accuracy.
   Amendments or corrections in the commodity description will be
   accepted ONLY if supported by U.S. Customs Declaration, AMS
   Filing, Customs Entry, Consular Documents and other shipping
c. Trade or Commercial Product names are NOT acceptable
   commodity descriptions.  Shippers are required to
   declare their commodities by their generally accepted
   generic or common name.
d. Unless otherwise specified, the value of cargo, which is
   to be rated in accordance with a specific value-scale
   provided in this Tariff, will be determined on the basis
   of the value and net weight as declared in a validated
   U.S. Export Declaration, Customs Declaration, Customs
   Entry and/or Consular Documents.  Where there is a
   discrepancy between such documents, the highest
   declaration shall be used to calculate freight and
   additional charges.

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